Wi-Fi on Buses, Trains and Other Means of Transport: Time of Better Services

Providing wireless Internet access in passenger buses and other means of transportation allows travellers to spend their travelling time in a productive way, and thus increase your business and create loyal passengers. This is recognized by the Lisbon hauler Carris, which provides free Internet to its passengers.

The aim was not only to improve the image of the company, giving it a modern technological ability, but also to reduce the perception of travel time for the passengers.

"Passengers now prefer to choose us instead of competition that does not provide mobile WiFi, and thus the number of passengers have increased significantly - 19 000 individuals used the Internet in just our first two months of the introduction of free internet in our transportation. We also promote new lines and special offers, and inform them about the changes using this hotspot platform.", Dagmar Roeller, Carris Lisabon

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